
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What You should Know About the Weed That Grows In Your Yard "Dandelion"

A dandelion flowerImage via Wikipedia

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Dandelion is a plant that many think of as a weed, but it contains many vitamins and offers many medicinal benefits. Dandelion is used as a nutritional supplement for a variety of health benefits. The plant itself is a member of the sunflower family, and can grow up to 12 inches. It has a yellow flower and green stem and leaves. The flower head changes into the seeds overnight. The whole dandelion can be used for medicinal purposes or can be eaten, such as in salads. Dandelions contain potassium, calcium and lecithin.

Dandelion supplements are made of dandelion and dandelion root.
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Dandelion contains many vitamins and minerals. They include potassium, calcium, lecithin, iron, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, proteins, silicon, boron, and zinc. The dandelion leaf also contains vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C, various B vitamins, and iron. Dandelion is used as a stimulant, diuretic, and detoxicant. The potassium in dandelion is useful for consumers taking other medications that may decrease it in the body. Dandelion is a natural diuretic that increases the excretion of water and salts from the kidney, increasing the urine output, which is said to be perfect for cardiac patients and high blood pressure patients. Tea made of dandelions is used to treat fevers, jaundice, skin diseases, and rheumatism. The sap, leaves, and root are used to stimulate stomach secretions. They relieve constipation and control diarrhea, treat liver disorders, lower high blood pressure, relieve the pain of endometriosis, and reduce plaque buildup on teeth. Fresh dandelion herbs are used as mild appetite stimulants, and to settle an upset stomach. Dandelion cleanses the bloodstream, increases bile production, and helps gall bladder problems. Dandelion root is also a detoxifier.

* Dandelion has a variety of vitamins and minerals.
* Dandelion has many medicinal properties.


* Dandelion supplements contain a natural diuretic, which may dehydrate some consumers.
* Dandelion supplements stimulate the appetite, so it should not be used if dieting.


Dandelion supplements are used for a variety of medicinal needs, such as detoxifying the body, liver disorders, high blood pressure, skin disorders, and digestive problems. Dandelion has many vitamins, including potassium, calcium and lethicin, which are also beneficial to the body. However, Dandelion also has diuretic effects, so consumers taking other diuretics or prescription medications should contact a physician prior to taking a dandelion supplement. Consumers should also be sure to drink plenty of liquids while taking dandelion. Dandelion may produce an allergic reaction in some consumers. Consumers with chronic diseases should contact their physician prior to taking any nutritional supplement.

To Read More check out MSN Health
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