
Friday, April 30, 2010

We Need More Fiber

RaspberriesImage via Wikipedia

What is dietary fiber?

Dietary fiber, also known as roughage or bulk, includes all parts of plant foods that your body can't digest or absorb. Unlike other food components such as fats, proteins or carbohydrates — which your body breaks down and absorbs — fiber isn't digested by your body. Therefore, it passes relatively intact through your stomach, small intestine, colon and out of your body. It might seem like fiber doesn't do much, but it has several important roles in maintaining health.

Fiber is commonly classified into two categories: those that don't dissolve in water (insoluble fiber) and those that do (soluble fiber).

    * Insoluble fiber. This type of fiber promotes the movement of material through your digestive system and increases stool bulk, so it can be of benefit to those who struggle with constipation or irregular stools. Whole-wheat flour, wheat bran, nuts and many vegetables are good sources of insoluble fiber.
    * Soluble fiber. This type of fiber dissolves in water to form a gel-like material. It can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Soluble fiber is found in oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley and psyllium.

below is a list of fruit that also cans the fiber we need everyday: Eat healthy to sat healthy says, Toni House CEO First Tax Solution LLC, and author of Save Your Money, Save Your Family (also available at Amazon)Save Your Money, Save Your Family Amazon

1. Raspberries,
2. Blackberries,
3. Strawberries,
4. Prunes,  
5. Papaya,
6. Orange,
7. Apple,
8. Pears,
9. Figs, dried,
10. Avocado,
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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ladies, Lifting Weights will help You Build Stronger Bones

Green VegetablesImage by Martin Burns via Flickr
You don't aspire to have the body of an Olympic powerlifter, so why should you add strength training to your workout schedule? "You'd have to be crazy not to lift weights," says Women's Health fitness director Adam Campbell. When done properly, he says, it is more about losing weight quicker, living longer, being smarter and looking great in a swimsuit than building bulging 20-inch biceps.

Lifting weights is also good for building stronger bones for women. Says, Toni House CEO First Tax Solution LLC and Author of Save Your Money, Save Your Family. (book at amazon)Exercise and eating right. Milk, green vegetables and stop smoking are just some of the keys to living heathier.
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Reduce Stress Will help fight Canker Sores

GRAPEFRUITImage by whologwhy via Flickr
If you find that daily stress and fatigue manifest as canker sores you aren't alone. Mouth ulcers  are common and can be very painful, even if they are barely visible. The cause of canker sores remains unknown, although a popular theory holds that they are autoimmune in nature - the result of an attack by the immune system on the body's own tissues. They may also be a result of deficiencies of folic acid, iron or vitamin B12.

Canker sores are often triggered by stress, fatigue, certain foods (including nuts, acidic foods and sweets) and occasionally by toothpaste containing the additive sodium lauryl sulfate. While they are painful, there are ways to reduce discomfort and speed the healing process. Try making a tablet of DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) extract into a paste, or make a paste from DGL powder and coat the paste over the sore. Do this four times a day until the sore has disappeared. A daily B-100, B-complex vitamin supplement may also help support the health of oral mucosa.

Perhaps most important are mind-body approaches, such as visualization, hypnosis or relaxation techniques, which can reduce the frequency and severity of outbreaks.Says, Dr.Weil

These list of fruits also have folic acid and are full of other nutrients like vitamin C, fiber, carotenoids, calcium, says Toni House CEO First Tax Solution LLC and author of Save Your Money, Save Your Family
  1. Avocado
  2. Papaya
  3. Guava
  4. Cantaloupe
  5. Orange
  6. Apricots (dried, unsulfured)
  7. Mango
  8. Strawberries (organic)
  9. Kiwi
  10. Grapefruit (pink or red)

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Home Depot Garden Club: Coupons - Save + More

The Home Depot, Inc.Image via Wikipedia

If you have not joined The Home Depot Garden Club yet, you are missing out. Once you sign up you will receive great discounts on many different items. The coupons will be sent directly to your inbox.

You have your own individual account, a social net working out that lets you communicate with other people across the country and you also are connected to a Home Depot expert to answer any of you gardening questions.


Save Your Money, Save Your Family at Amazon

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House Training Maltese Puppies

Cute Maltese puppyImage by via Flickr
Some Basic Concepts for you to Understand

Maltese develop elimination habits during their first few months of life. Maltese do not want to eliminate where they rest.
Being creatures of habit, dogs will return to their "usual spot" whenever it is convenient.
Maltese can be conditioned (trained) to react to a conditioned stimulus in a certain way. (they can be taught to eliminate when you say a word over and over).
A behavior is likely to be repeated if it is positively reinforced. (You will therefore be using food treats and praise to reinforce elimination at the proper time, in the proper place

Crate Training
To some people a dog crate seems like cruelty to the dog. However, if presented correctly, it is just the opposite. It gives your Maltese a place that belongs to him, a safe den where he can go if he wants to be left alone or rest. It also give you a place to keep your Maltese at the times when you do not want him underfoot, and a safe way of traveling your dog. If you crate your Maltese in the car, he can be left with the windows completely down. It is extremely dangerous to leave your Maltese in a closed car in warm weather or ride loose in the back of a truck. Also if you should have an auto accident, your dog is not likely to be thrown out of the car or escape in the confusion. Motel rooms generally prefer crated dogs, also. To crate train your Maltese, first select a crate which will be large enough to fit him as an adult. The puppy should be fed in his crate, and encouraged to sleep in it with the door open. He may be left with the door closed for short periods of time once he is used to it. Avoid leaving a Maltese puppy in a crate for extended periods of time. NEVER use the crate as a punishment. The location should be out of the way but near family activity.
Helpful Hints for Housebreaking

The goal for "house breaking" your Maltese is to have it "potty" outside and not inside your house...right? Why do so many people train their dogs to do it inside ???. Let me explain further...people use the "old" newspaper method in some cases until their Maltese are 4 to 5 months old, this is wonderful. It saves their floors from getting messed bet...but it's also "IMPRINTS" the dog that its 'OK" to eliminate inside the house. Think about it, sure the dog will relate the scent of "printers ink" to elimination, but what does that have to do with "GOING OUTSIDE" ?. I've had many Maltese owners call me wondering why their "ADULT" dogs (totally housebroken ???) loves to urinate on or around the coffee table, the one that this weeks newspapers are stashed under ....get the idea ???
Here's some hints to make house training a little easier

* Keep your Maltese puppy up on a "consistent" housebreaking schedule. Feed at the "SAME" time ever day.
* Designate one area outside as a "potty" area.
* Take your Maltese out every 2 hours to the "potty" area, whether it has eaten or not.
* The times that a puppy will most likely want to eliminate are after eating or drinking, after a nap, or after a period of play or vigorous exercise.
* Make up a written time log showing feeding and trips to the "potty" area, this really helps.
* Bring the puppy on a leash to the designated area. Initially you want to teach the puppy what the words "go potty" mean, but don't distract the puppy from its business by constant "YAPPING" quiet...say "go potty" just before you see it is about to, say "good Potty" (not too loud or distracting) as it eliminates, and then get really excited and be as loud as you wish, saying "GOOD POTTY" once the puppy has done the "business"....and give it a treat . I suggest "moist flavorful treats as opposed to the dry kind.
* The two most important words in house training are "WATCH" or "CONFINE". Never give a puppy full run of the house, start in a small area like a utility room or a small pen, don't graduate to a larger area until it has PROVEN (no accidents) itself in that area for a period of time. "Watching" means ....CONSTANTLY being aware of where the puppy is. I prefer most people to put the puppy on a leash when not in the puppy pen or crate. (Outside dog runs are a great investment too !!)
* Get yourself a suitably sized "Crate" the same day you buy your puppy. It's not inhumane or cruel (cruel is constantly reprimanding, scolding and possibly getting physical with the puppy for eliminating inside the house). DO NOT fill the entire floor area of the crate with newspaper or bedding of any kind, just put make a 1/4 of the crate a 'Bed", if you wish. Always make sure the crate is in a well ventilated area out of direct sunlight. Also, if you live in colder climates, be sure the room temperature stays fairly constant, not too hot...or too cold.
* NEVER BE PHYSICAL WITH A PUPPY FOR ELIMINATING INSIDE... In fact..."never" be physical with your puppy ...period. Being overly physical with your Maltese will make it not want to perform in front of you, and will actually cause the puppy to leave gifts for you out of your sight .You know... "the ones your dinner guests find behind the furniture"
* You can start a very young Maltese puppy on newspaper, but get rid of the paper as soon as you can and begin formal crate training. Be patient, consistent, and diligent in taking the puppy outside, regulate what goes into your puppy's tummy, so you can regulate what comes out. "WATCH" or "CONFINE" , gradually extend your pups living area, keep track on your "housebreaking log" and in a matter of a few short weeks....PRESTO !!! No more Accidents.

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Are You Getting Enough Calcium and Vitamin D?

Lacinato kale (left) with collard greens (right)Image via Wikipedia
Calcium and vitamin D are essential for strong, healthy bones—vitamin D is essential for optimum calcium absorption in the small intestine. Recommended calcium levels are 1000 mg per day, 1200 mg if you are over 50 years old. Take a vitamin D and calcium supplement if you don’t get enough of these nutrients from your diet.

Great sources of calcium include:

* Dairy products, which come already fortified with vitamin D.
* Dark green, leafy vegetables, such as kale and collard greens
* Dried beans and legumes

My Book Save Your Money, Save Your Family is available

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Toni's Famous Beef Brisket Recipe

Beef Brisket Recipe

First I use a plastic bag and mix all the spices for the rub.

Rub Ingredients:

 2 tablespoons chili powder
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon season salt
2 teaspoons salt

1 table spoon red pepper(optional for just a little kick)
1 table spoon white sugar

2 tablespoons soy sauce
4 lb beef brisket
1 1/2 cup beef broth

1.Preheat oven 350 degrees F (175 degrees C)
2. Brush soy sauce on beef brisket and work into meat for 30 seconds. Let set 5 mins.

3.Mix rub ingredients in plastic bag together, seal bag and shake.
4.Rub ingredients from plastic bag into beef brisket.
5. Cook brisket in 350 degree oven for 1 hour: uncovered.
6. Remove Brisket from oven
7. Add beef broth to roasting pan, cover roasting pan with lid or foil.
8. Decrease oven temp to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C)
9. Cook another 3 hours.
10. When done remove from oven, let brisket rest 30 minutes before serving.
11. Cut Brisket across the grain for tenderness. Serve.

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 First Tax Solution LLC folllow my Tax Solution Blog daily

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Soda Tax, Will it reduce Obesity?

With obesity running rampant, some public health advocates say it's time for bold new steps to cut down on the foods and drinks contributing to calorie overload.

Taxing sugary beverages and junk food is an approach that's gotten some traction in policy circles lately.

Hiking taxes on cigarettes has helped cut smoking rates, after all. Though a recent uptick, due in part to companies lowering their prices, may show the limits of the approach.

But would Americans really support taxes on fast food, snacks and sugary sodas to discourage unhealthy consumption?

We figured it couldn't hurt to ask, and the folks at Thomson Reuters agreed to help. They survey 100,000 U.S. households a year on health-related topics. Earlier this month, we threw our own questions on food and beverage taxes into their survey mix.

Here's what we found.

Just over half -- 51 percent -- of more than 3,000 people surveyed either strongly opposed or opposed taxes on carbonated, sugary soft drinks. But, 33 percent of those surveyed favor such a tax; 22 percent strongly so. The rest -- 16 percent -- had no opinion.

Thomson Reuters says the margin for error on the questions is plus or minus 1.8 percent.

There was less support for taxes on snack foods: 27 percent in favor and 54 percent against. Similarly, 28 percent of those surveyed supported a tax on fast food and 53 percent were against the idea.

So the notion of taxing the bad stuff we eat and drink is dead, right? Maybe not. As Dr. Raymond Fabius, medical director for health care business at Thomson Reuters, told Shots, "There's a sizable portion or our populace that's concerned enough about the unhealthy consumption of calories that they're willing to support a tax."

Higher taxes on cigarettes didn't catch on overnight. "I would bet the support for a 'sin tax' on cigarettes would have been lower than 30 percent right out of the box," he said. Thirty-percent support for any tax is pretty high, he said.

For comparison's sake, a Kaiser Family Foundation poll last year found 46 percent of people would support higher taxes on sodas and soft drinks to help pay for health overhaul and coverage of the uninsured.

In case you were wondering, income and age didn't make much difference on people's view of these taxes.

Political affiliation? Sure did. About 70 percent of Republican opposed the taxes. Between 40 and 50 percent of Democrats supported the taxes.

Save Your Money, Save Your Family

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Peanut Buttter Granola Bars

I was recently asked to re post my recipe. My book Save Your Money, Save Your Family is now available
serves 18

1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1/3 cup honey
1 egg
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 1/2 cups rolled oats quick cooking
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup milk chocolate chips (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Beat together peanut butter, honey, egg, vegetable oil, and vanilla blend well.
3. Mix oats, sugar and salt together and mix well.
4. Add oat mixture to peanut butter mixture mix until batter becomes sticky.
5. Stir in chocolate chips (optional)
6. Press into a 13" x 9" pan coated with cooking spray. Use a piece of wax paper to press mixture into an even layer in the pan
7. Bake 12-15 minutes. Cool completely and slice into bars. Makes 18.

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Helping Familes With The Recession

Save Your Money, Save Your Family

With tightening our wallets, many of the normal outings that many American Families did enjoy are now gone by the way side. American Families are looking for ways to cut costs and live a happy life. One way that Toni House Author of Save Your Money, Save Your Family did this was by taking control on spending for food.

 Eating out or eating in: Americans spend thousands of dollars each year on food to be eaten at home (but end up throwing out 20 percent or more of the food purchased and purchasing too many of the same thing and it just sets in the pantry) and American families spend even more on eating out.
This is a big problem that can be easily solved says House, just by following a few simple steps.

And the thing is most are common sense.

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Shop Primeter Of The Grocery Store

Mexican produceImage by dchrisoh via Flickr
In general, healthy eating ingredients are found around the outer edges of most grocery stores—fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and poultry, whole grain breads and dairy products. The centers of many grocery stores are filled with overpriced, processed foods that aren’t good for you. Shop the perimeter of the store for most of your groceries (fresh items), add a few things from the freezer section (frozen fruits and vegetables), and the aisles with spices, oils, and whole grains (like rolled oats, brown rice, whole wheat pasta).
Cook when you can

Try to cook one or both weekend days or on a weekday evening and make extra to freeze or set aside for another night. Cooking ahead saves time and money, and it is gratifying to know that you have a home cooked meal waiting to be eaten.
My book Save Your Money, Save Your Family is now available

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Thursday, April 22, 2010


Weekly Specials:


Organic Baby Items (Check Out The Price)

Did you know that buying organic is as easy as a click of your mouse?
And buying organic for that new baby is the smart thing to do.

Save Your Money Save Your Family

Saving Money on Veterinary Care

A veterinary surgeon at work with a cat.Image via Wikipedia

Regular veterinary care is an essential part of keeping your dog or cat healthy. You should take your pet to the vet at least once a year for a check-up, and more often if an illness or emergency situation arises.

Give Your Pet the Longest, Healthiest, Happiest Life Possible

Save Your Money Save Your Family
Choose healthy, natural pet food and treats from!

You’ll save money on vet bills while keeping your cat or dog healthy and strong.

Visit now to view their unique line of all-natural pet products to enhance the health and well-being of your furry little ones.

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On average, dog owners spent $356 on veterinary visits in 2007, the most recent year for which data is available, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association, while cat owners spent $190. But if your pet has a serious illness or accident, vet bills can easily skyrocket to thousands, and even tens of thousands, of dollars.

Further, for the 33 percent of dog owners and 56 percent of cat owners who own more than one pet, veterinary bills are doubled, tripled or more. These costs can be steep even in the best economic times, but with many still struggling financially from the recession, vet bills can be completely unmanageable.

There are, however, some steps you can take to save money on vet care while keeping your pet healthy and strong.

5 Tips to Save Money Veterinary Care

1. Take Your Pet to the Vet at Least Once a Year

You don’t want to be penny wise and pound foolish; while a yearly vet exam will cost you a bit of money, it may help you prevent an illness in your pet, or catch one before it’s progressed too far. Yearly dog and cat checkups can identify problems early, when they are more likely to be treatable, instead of after your pet becomes sick and you have to shift to crisis mode.

2. Feed Your Pet a Healthy Diet

Giving your pet high-quality, species-appropriate food is absolutely essential to keeping him healthy -- and a healthy pet needs fewer visits to the vet.

However, many commercial pet foods are heavy in refined carbohydrates. Neither dogs nor cats are designed to process this overload of excess grains. Further, a high-grain diet can lead to the over-production of insulin in your pet, which in turn can make it difficult for your pet to maintain the proper weight, and may lead to diabetes, osteoarthritis, cancer, heart disease and other health problems.

Like humans, pets of all kinds need a varied diet, with fresh foods added, to function at their best.

dog food

What you feed your dog or cat can either boost his health or detract from it.

So feeding your pet "people food" like high-quality raw meats and veggies, supplemented with essential vitamins and minerals, can actually be very healthy for dogs and cats, provided the diet is properly balanced and varied.

Yet, why is it that so many of us still believe we are doing our pets a favor by feeding them only kibble or food that comes from a can? Heavy marketing on behalf of the pet food industry certainly plays a major role.

In reality, one of the best ways to feed your dog is using a species-appropriate diet, similar to the one they would find in the wild.

Fortunately, there are numerous high-quality brands of top-notch dog foods on the market that make this easy, and highly recommends viewing the select line of dog foods carried by

If you like the idea of feeding a raw diet, but aren’t sure how to jump in, an excellent starting point is Sojos Grain-Free Dog Food Mix.

This grain-free alternative to kibble is a wholesome pre-mix that you combine with raw meat and water to create a fresh, homemade dog food -- it's optimal nutrition for your dog with minimal effort on your part.

And you can be sure your dog is getting wholesome nutrition when you choose Sojos, as it's made with simple, honest ingredients like dried sweet potatoes, whole eggs and apples -- and absolutely no preservatives and nothing artificial. (If you have cats, Sojos also makes a European-Style Cat Food Mix that allows you to feed your cat the nutritious raw food he craves in just minutes a day).

Further, the Honest Kitchen line from makes all of their pet food recipes in a human-food plant to ensure the highest possible quality control and production standards. Their facility is FDA inspected -- and humans actually taste their foods as part of their Quality Control process!

Depending on your pet’s needs, you can try any of these healthy options:


Embark Grain-Free Dog Food: A turkey-based dehydrated raw food designed for active dogs and puppies.

Force Grain-Free Dog Food: A chicken-based, dehydrated raw food great for all adult dogs -- especially those with sensitive stomachs.

Prowl Grain-Free Cat Food: A dehydrated raw food with absolutely zero grains, which is just the type of natural diet your kitty will thrive on.

These foods truly make it simple to give your dog (and cat) the food he’s meant to eat.

3. Be Selective With Vaccinations

Many veterinarians still vaccinate on the old every year schedule, but there is new research that indicates this is not only unnecessary but potentially harmful.

There are several reasons why many vets still vaccinate yearly, for instance many still believe that your pet is best protected by following the manufacturers' recommendations. Manufacturers mostly have not changed their recommendations because to do so costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to do the tests required by the USDA.

Also, the manufacturers are in business to sell vaccines. In the event of a pet getting a disease for which it is vaccinated, the drug companies will stand behind the veterinarian only if the pet is vaccinated according to label directions. Most vets don't want to get sued.

Some vets are not up to date on the very latest research. Some feel that the only way to get a pet in the door for an annual exam is by pushing the vaccines.

However, while rabies vaccines are often required by law, many other vaccines are optional. Talk to your vet about which vaccines are necessary and which are not, along with potential side effects of vaccination.

4. Start a Regular Dental Care Routine

A whopping 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats show signs of oral disease by the young age of 3, according to the American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS). This is more than a problem of stinky breath, as tooth and gum problems can progress into serious health conditions for your pet.

This is why you should make sure you brush your dog or cat’s teeth daily. If your pet is not used to having their mouth touched, start by getting him or her used to having your hands in the area. Then gradually progress to using a specially designed pet toothbrush or fingertip brush, along with a toothpaste designed especially for pets.

Another excellent supplement to brushing that is highly recommended is Bluto’s Yummy Gum for dogs from This all-natural blend is exceptional for oral hygiene, bad breath and periodontal disease.

Bluto's Yummy Gum contains hydrosols of peppermint and helichrysum, combined with anti-inflammatory (thyme linelol) and antibacterial (niaouli) ingredients to provide an effective and natural oral hygiene treatment.

There are certain treats that can be an effective tool to promote your dog’s dental health as well. Look for those that promote chewing, which can help scrape off soft tartar, and also offer healthy ingredients to support your dog’s health from the inside out, as well. Two nutritious options that highly recommends are:


Elk Antler ChewsElk Antler Chews from Elk Antler Chews are the longest lasting chews available on the market. Made from naturally shed antlers that won't splinter like other hard chews, they're great for promoting healthy teeth and gums. They're also a 100% natural source of over 40 essential nutrients promoting strong bones and healthy joints.

Sam’s Yams Sweet Potato Dog ChewsSam’s Yams Sweet Potato Dog Chews from These whole thick slabs of dehydrated sweet potato provide excellent nutrition and a patent-pending hard, grooved surface that promotes dental health.

5. Don’t Smoke

Second-hand smoke is not only a threat to humans, it can impact pets too. Secondhand smoke has been linked to asthma, bronchitis, lymphoma and oral, nasal and lung cancers in pets, so quitting now will save you money on vet bills later.

What About Pet Health Insurance?

To combat the skyrocketing costs of caring for your pet's health needs, pet health insurance companies offer all kinds of plans for just about every pet. They operate a lot like health insurance for humans, complete with deductibles, co-payments, annual premiums and limitations for pre-existing conditions.

While only about 3 percent of pet owners have pet health insurance, if absorbing the cost of an emergency vet visit or surgery would be difficult, this many be an option for you to consider. Be sure to look into the plan you choose carefully, as many exclude services for breed-specific ailments, etc. You can find more tips on deciding whether pet insurance is a good investment for you here.

If pet insurance is not for you, there are still more methods that can save you money while keeping your pet in good health.
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

mayo clinic aging

X-Ray picture of two cylindrical dental implan...Image via Wikipedia

Looked in the mirror lately only to find a few more wrinkles and gray hairs? Those are just a few of the changes you're likely to notice as you get older. But what exactly is going on with your body? Here's a list of the natural changes you can expect as you age.

Cardiovascular system

Over time, your heart muscle becomes less efficient, working harder to pump the same amount of blood through your body. In addition, your blood vessels lose elasticity. Hardened fatty deposits may form on the inner walls of your arteries (atherosclerosis), narrowing the vessels. The natural loss of elasticity, in combination with atherosclerosis, makes your arteries stiffer, causing your heart to work even harder to pump blood through them. This can lead to high blood pressure (hypertension).

Bones, muscles and joints

Your bones reach their maximum mass between ages 25 and 35. As you age, your bones shrink in size and density. One consequence is that you might become shorter. Gradual loss of density weakens your bones and makes them more susceptible to fracture. Muscles, tendons and joints generally lose some strength and flexibility as you age.

Digestive system

Swallowing and the motions that automatically move digested food through your intestines slow down as you get older. The amount of surface area within your intestines diminishes slightly. The flow of secretions from your stomach, liver, pancreas and small intestine may decrease. These changes generally don't disrupt your digestive process, so you may never notice them. But you might notice more constipation.

Kidneys, bladder and urinary tract

With age, your kidneys become less efficient in removing waste from your bloodstream. Chronic conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure and some medications can damage your kidneys further.

About one in 10 people age 65 and older has experienced a loss of bladder control (urinary incontinence). Incontinence can be caused by a number of health problems, such as obesity, frequent constipation and chronic cough.

Women are more likely than men to have incontinence. Women who've been through menopause might experience stress incontinence as the muscles around the opening of the bladder (sphincter muscles) lose strength and bladder reflexes change. As estrogen levels decline, the tissue lining the tube through which urine passes (urethra) becomes thinner. Pelvic muscles become weaker, reducing bladder support.

In older men, incontinence is sometimes caused by an enlarged prostate, which can block the urethra. This makes it difficult to empty your bladder and can cause small amounts of urine to leak.

Brain and nervous system

The number of cells (neurons) in your brain decreases with age, and your memory becomes less efficient. However, in some areas of your brain, the number of connections between the cells increases, perhaps helping to compensate for the aging neurons and maintain brain function. Your reflexes tend to become slower. You also tend to become less coordinated and may have difficulty with balance.


With age, your eyes are less able to produce tears, your retinas thin, and your lenses gradually turn yellow and become less clear. In your 40s, focusing on objects that are close up may become more difficult. Later, the colored portions of your eyes (irises) stiffen, making your pupils less responsive. This can make it more difficult to adapt to different levels of light. Other changes to your lenses can make you sensitive to glare, which presents a problem when driving at night. Common conditions that affect aging eyes include cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration.


Hearing loss is one of the most common conditions affecting adults who are middle-aged and older. About half of all people older than age 85 experience hearing loss. Over the years, noises can damage the sensory hair cells of your inner ears.

Also, the walls of your auditory canals thin, and your eardrums thicken. You may have difficulty hearing high frequencies. Some people find it difficult to follow a conversation in a crowded room. Changes in the inner ear or in the nerves attached to it, earwax buildup and various diseases can all affect your hearing.


How your teeth and gums respond to age depends on how well you've cared for them over the years. But even if you're meticulous about brushing and flossing, you may notice that your mouth feels drier and your gums have pulled back (receded). Your teeth may darken slightly and become more brittle and easier to break.

Most adults can keep their natural teeth throughout their lives. But with less saliva to wash away bacteria, your teeth and gums become slightly more vulnerable to decay and infection. If you've lost most or all of your natural teeth, you might use dentures or dental implants as a replacement.

Some older adults experience dry mouth (xerostomia), which can lead to tooth decay and infection. Dry mouth can also make speaking, swallowing and tasting difficult. Oral cancer is more common among older adults. Your dentist checks for oral cancer when you go for regular cleanings and checkups.

Skin, nails and hair

With age, your skin thins and becomes less elastic and more fragile. You'll likely notice that you bruise more easily. Decreased production of natural oils may make your skin drier and more wrinkled. Age spots can occur, and small growths called skin tags are more common. Your nails grow at about half the pace they once did. Your hair may gray and thin. In addition, you likely perspire less—making it harder to stay cool in high temperatures and putting you at increased risk of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

How fast your skin ages depends on many factors. The most significant factor is sun exposure over the years. The more sun your skin has been exposed to, the more damaged it may be. Smoking adds to skin damage, such as wrinkles. Skin cancer also is a concern. Your risk of skin cancer increases as you age.


Sleep needs change little throughout adulthood. If you need six hours of sleep nightly, chances are you'll always need six hours—give or take 30 minutes. However, as you age, you'll likely find that you sleep less soundly, meaning you'll need to spend more time in bed to get the same amount of sleep. By age 75, some people wake up several times each night.


As you age, maintaining a healthy weight—or losing weight if you're overweight—may be more difficult. Your metabolism generally slows, meaning that your body burns fewer calories. Calories that were once used to meet your daily energy needs instead are stored as fat. Your level of activity may decrease, resulting in unwanted weight gain.


With age, sexual needs, patterns and performance may change. Women's vaginas tend to shrink and narrow, and the walls become less elastic. Vaginal dryness is a problem. All of this can make sex painful.

Impotence becomes more common in men as they age. By age 65, as many as one in four men has difficulty getting or keeping an erection. In others, it may take longer to get an erection, and it may not be as firm as it used to be.

Healthy changes can improve quality of life as you age

If you think you've already done too much damage to yourself to hope for a long life, think again. Researchers say it's never too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle. For example, if you quit smoking now, your risk of heart disease begins to fall almost immediately.

Living a healthy lifestyle can improve how you age. Try the following:

* Stop smoking.
* Eat a healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
* Exercise for at least 30 minutes most days of the week.
* Maintain a healthy weight.
* Get enough sleep so that you wake feeling rested.
* Follow your doctor's guidance for checkups and health screenings.Book
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What You should Know About the Weed That Grows In Your Yard "Dandelion"

A dandelion flowerImage via Wikipedia

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Dandelion is a plant that many think of as a weed, but it contains many vitamins and offers many medicinal benefits. Dandelion is used as a nutritional supplement for a variety of health benefits. The plant itself is a member of the sunflower family, and can grow up to 12 inches. It has a yellow flower and green stem and leaves. The flower head changes into the seeds overnight. The whole dandelion can be used for medicinal purposes or can be eaten, such as in salads. Dandelions contain potassium, calcium and lecithin.

Dandelion supplements are made of dandelion and dandelion root.
Product Features

Dandelion contains many vitamins and minerals. They include potassium, calcium, lecithin, iron, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, proteins, silicon, boron, and zinc. The dandelion leaf also contains vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C, various B vitamins, and iron. Dandelion is used as a stimulant, diuretic, and detoxicant. The potassium in dandelion is useful for consumers taking other medications that may decrease it in the body. Dandelion is a natural diuretic that increases the excretion of water and salts from the kidney, increasing the urine output, which is said to be perfect for cardiac patients and high blood pressure patients. Tea made of dandelions is used to treat fevers, jaundice, skin diseases, and rheumatism. The sap, leaves, and root are used to stimulate stomach secretions. They relieve constipation and control diarrhea, treat liver disorders, lower high blood pressure, relieve the pain of endometriosis, and reduce plaque buildup on teeth. Fresh dandelion herbs are used as mild appetite stimulants, and to settle an upset stomach. Dandelion cleanses the bloodstream, increases bile production, and helps gall bladder problems. Dandelion root is also a detoxifier.

* Dandelion has a variety of vitamins and minerals.
* Dandelion has many medicinal properties.


* Dandelion supplements contain a natural diuretic, which may dehydrate some consumers.
* Dandelion supplements stimulate the appetite, so it should not be used if dieting.


Dandelion supplements are used for a variety of medicinal needs, such as detoxifying the body, liver disorders, high blood pressure, skin disorders, and digestive problems. Dandelion has many vitamins, including potassium, calcium and lethicin, which are also beneficial to the body. However, Dandelion also has diuretic effects, so consumers taking other diuretics or prescription medications should contact a physician prior to taking a dandelion supplement. Consumers should also be sure to drink plenty of liquids while taking dandelion. Dandelion may produce an allergic reaction in some consumers. Consumers with chronic diseases should contact their physician prior to taking any nutritional supplement.

To Read More check out MSN Health
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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lupus Is an Autoimmune Disease

Lupus is an autoimmune disease, with symptoms that range from mild to life-threatening, but it can also go into remission for weeks, months, and even years. More serious forms are difficult to manage medically - immunosuppressive drugs such as prednisone can control severe symptoms, but should be used with caution, as they can reduce the chance that the disease will go into remission naturally.

If you have lupus, take a daily multivitamin/multimineral supplement and modify your diet:

1. Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids by eating wild Alaskan salmon or other cold-water, oily fish three times a week.
2. Avoid polyunsaturated vegetable oils (safflower, sunflower, corn, etc.), margarine, vegetable shortening, and all products made with partially hydrogenated oils.
3. Eat a low-protein, plant-based diet that excludes all products made from cows' milk.
4. Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (with the exception of alfalfa sprouts, which contain L-canavanine, an amino acid that can worsen autoimmunity).

These recommendations follow those in my Anti-Inflammatory Food Pyramid.

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Don't Let Food Go to Waste: Freeze it!

Courgette jauneImage via Wikipedia

Did you buy more than you needed? You Could not resist buying everything on sale! Now you have more than you and your family can eat.

Don't let it go to waste. Here are instructions for freezing some foods you may have never thought of freezing:


Mix the yolks and egg whites together, and pour into an ice cube tray. Two cubes are the equivalent of one large egg.


Store in its original container, but pour out enough milk to allow for expansion – approximately a cup per gallon of milk. Thaw in the refrigerator, and shake well before using.

Store in its original container. Thaw in the refrigerator to use.

Freeze in peel. Then, simply thaw and peel to use in smoothies and breads. Note: the peel will turn black, but that won't effect the quality of the banana at all.

Wash and chop to desired size. Then, flash freeze on a tray, and transfer to a freezer bag or another air-tight container. To use: add the frozen celery directly to soups or other heated dishes.

Wash thoroughly. Then, freeze whole and unpeeled on a tray. Transfer to freezer bags once fully frozen.

Fresh Herbs

Chop finely. Then, place in an ice cube tray along with a small amount of water. To use: simply drop frozen cubes directly into heated dishes.

Did You Know? Herbs aren't the only thing that you can freeze in an ice cube tray: More Clever Uses for Ice Cube Trays

Freeze (either in shell or shelled) in a freezer bag or another air-tight container.
Zucchini and Other Squash

Wash and chop to desired size. Then, blanch for three minutes; allow to cool; and freeze in an air-tight container.

Freeze whole or chopped, peeled or unpeeled
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supported by First Tax Solution LLC

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Cost Saving Tips for Buying Vegetables

Food for Life distributes food on an internati...Image via Wikipedia

The Best Cost-Saving Vegetable Tip
Do you ever stare at the vegetable drawer in your refrigerator and think, "I don't even want to look in there"? If so, you may be falling into one of the biggest money-wasters when it comes to vegetables:

Buying too much.

Buy less more often:

The best advice is simply to plan carefully. If you don't end up eating it when you intended to, freeze if possible. Some vegetables, such as peppers, can simply be cut up and dropped into a zip-lock bag.

Others, like spinach, can be wilted in a hot pan first (seriously, it takes less than two minutes). But don't wait until they start to get yucky! Freeze as soon as you start to think you might not eat the veggies right away.
That way, they will not only have the best flavor, but you will preserve nutrients, which tend to degrade with even a few extra days of storage. KJPGSEVUJYEM
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Sunday, April 11, 2010


Olive oil from Imperia in Liguria, Italy.Image via Wikipedia

Try to keep your kitchen stocked with recipe basics:

Fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables:KJPGSEVUJYEM KJPGSEVUJYEM

* Garlic, onions, carrots and celery are great recipe and soup starters.
* Frozen corn, peas, carrots and berries for recipe additions and smoothies.
* Dark greens for salads and salad add-ins like dried fruit, nuts and seed

Fresh and dried herbs and spices

Fats and oils—liquid vegetable oils (olive, canola, sunflower, corn, and peanut) for cooking. Specialty oils like sesame oil, walnut or pistachio oil or truffle oil for adding flavor.

Unsalted nuts—like almonds, walnuts and pistachios for snacking

Vinegars—such as balsamic, red wine and rice vinegar for salads and veggies

Strong cheeses, like aged Parmesan or blue cheese for intense flavor in salads, pasta and soups.

Restaurants: Financial Needs

By: Toni House

Many times restaurants have fantastic food and high guest counts, but suffer because of poor financial oversight. Operators have found that there are many accounting services specifically dedicated to the restaurant industry which help to efficiently manage the financial aspects of their restaurant so they can put their focus back on the food and guest experience.

The need for this type of service is evident with the amount of solutions available today, from the simple accounting software to premier outsourced accounting services.  House: understands the need for detailed financial information. 

Owner and CEO, Toni House, First Tax Solution LLC started out at the age of 15 with McDonald's, later owning 5 of her own and selling years later realized the need for Accounting Firms that are more than just number crunchers, The restaurant Industry needed their accountants to know first hand the struggles of owning a restaurant. 

Now many years later after opening her first Accounting Office in Az. with her sister company offered Virtual Online Accounting and Tax Service since 2000 she now has taken First Tax Solution to another level. We offer Virtual Accounting and Tax Solutions Nation wide, we make every effort to help our clients. We believe in making our clients lives as stress free as possible. (newsletter)

We really do care about you, your family and your future. Our motto is Virtual Accounting and Tax Services When You Need It.  And we really mean that.

With our Virtual Online client portals you  have access to premier reporting tools so you have can view current financial information and trends.  Having this type of information helps gain a plan for the larger picture of your restaurant and future financial performance."

About the Author

Toni House
MBA/CEO and founder First Tax Solution LLC. In 2000 Founded and Created the first Online Tax Preparation and Filing Service and now with Virtual Tax Prep. The Complete Accounting Firm , for Small Business, and the Individual busy family.

First Tax Solution: Provides Professional Accounting and Tax Prep When You Need It.

Author of Save Your Money Save Your Family. Owned and op-porated different business concepts. Helping and teaching people how to live the American Dream. From Owning their own business, becoming a Franchise to being financially secure. With 25 plus years experience in Tax Preparation, Accounting, Food Industry, Construction, Medical and Business Advisory.

(ArticlesBase SC #2130867)

Article Source: - Restaurants: Financial Needs

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